Friday, September 05, 2014

Dreams of Glue, Cell Phone, and Plastic Parts - Follow Up

Yesterday we tried to go through my dream of earlier this week.  My counselor introduced me to something call, which is a dictionary of images in dreams and what they might me.

A couple of highlights from the dream and their possible meanings:

"Key:  To see a key in your dream symbolizes opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. You may be locking away your own inner feelings and emotions. Or you are unlocking the answer to some problem....To dream that you lose your keys signify fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or status in life. It may also indicate unexpected changes, frustrations, and unpleasant adventures. The dream could be analogous to lost or missed opportunities. If you give your key away, then it suggests that you have given up control of some situation or responsibility. "

"Bus:  To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan."

"Telephone:  To see or hear a telephone in your dream signifies a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues which you have been avoiding. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others."

"Sign - To see a sign in your dream indicates that you need help.  You need some direction and guidance in your life. Pay attention to what the sign says and what it is pointing you to do. Perhaps the dream is highlighting "a sign of the times".

I am usual not one for dream interpretation, but these items - along with general feelings that I awoke with from the dream - made for interesting thoughts as we walked through things.

Key - The key was not directly involved in the dream except as something I was trying to spell out but could not, and questioned why I was not using actual letters to build it.  Is it a form of the key missing, something lost or control given up?

Bus - Pretty much missed the bus in the dream.  Is there an aspect of my life that is out of control?

Telephone -  Again, not directly involved in the dream except as a tool for someone else.  Is it that I am always trying to communicate for others and not myself, or that I was avoiding an issue that I need to deal with?

Sign - Road signs bent over, arrows facing towards the ground.  Have I lost direction or that my directions all simply seem to be in one direction - down?

I suppose that if you look at the general tone of things - lack of control, out of control, lack of ability to communicate or lack of communication, and loss or lack of direction, you seem to come up with a few central themes:  loss of control of where I am going and what I am doing and how I am communicating.  It would seem to support the general sense I have right now in my life of being trapped by events and circumstances with little ability to chose.

And my feelings when I woke up?  Songbird said it far more wisely than I could have:  "Seems like your subconscious is saying you let personal interests distract you so that you will deliberately 'miss the bus'...the activities you did were redundant and slow, something you chose to do out of a perception of personal necessity, which caused you to miss the important bus".

Something to mull over, at any rate.

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